
Meet Our Team - Interview With Anni Saukkonen

Written by Curify Labs | Jan 28, 2022 7:48:00 AM

Our team has grown a lot the past months and we would like to introduce some of our newest team members. Today we meet Anni Saukkonen who has a hybrid role in our team, she's the link between R&D and our clients.

Hi Anni, tell us a bit about yourself!

I am a pharmacist with a background in pharmaceutical industry and biotechnology as well as experience from working in community pharmacies. I have always felt passionately about biology, health and wellbeing so working in the field of life sciences feels very natural and rewarding to me. I have also spent several years abroad in Boston and London and can now truly see how Helsinki is such a wonderful city to live and work in. Being a nature lover and sports addict, my favorite places are definitely walking and running trails by the Helsinki coast line.

Why did you join Curify?

It’s all about people to me and of course innovative ideas. It was clear from the very beginning that people at Curify value diversity and believe that in order to succeed and be innovative we need to work efficiently as a team, respecting different views and backgrounds. In addition, working for a pharma startup that has its roots in my home country, Finland, is also very fullfilling and inspiring.
I am very excited to be part of this scientific journey towards better treatments for animals and doing my part in enabling further personalization and digitalisation in healthcare.

What does a regular working day look like for you?

In my role I liaise with both the internal team as well as externally with our collaborators and clients. Sometimes it’s about hunkering down with my computer and crafting onboarding material for external use or slide decks for internal startegy sessions and in other times it is engaging in important f2f discussions and brainstorming; all this to find answers to challenging scientific or business questions and eventually build the best solutions for our clients.

What is your favourite animal?

My biggest dream when I was a child was to one day have a Golden Retriever. So it has always been dogs for me. But landing with a White Shepherd as a family member, was somewhat unexpected. I am so happy to have Fredi as part of me and my fiancé’s family nowdays.


This is Anni and Fredi. Fredi often visits the Curify office bringing sunshine to everyone. We are all amazed by the size of Fredi's paws, they are huge!